Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My random definition of success..

Hi guys...
Just scribbled something after a pleasant evening with friends... Though it has nothing to do with the idiotic yet fun filled talks that I had with them... :-) Still felt like sharing it...

Some intellectual person said, and I find it so true....

"If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you won't.
Success begins with your own will.
It’s all in your state of mind."

Success is nothing but a state of mind. It is based on how we view things relating to our life and career. Success does not only mean obtaining material possessions or career status. True success lies in genuine satisfaction, happiness and contentment with yourself and the world around you. There is no fixed "Mantra" for success. For every individual the meaning and definition of success is different. The significance of an achievement does not lie in the fact, how big or small it is, but it lies in the joy and satisfaction it gives the achiever. With the passage of time, our ambitions and dreams change. As we grow in age, as our lives go through different circumstances and situations, our priorities and perceptions about various things change. Success in one line is translating intention into reality. The most crucial step towards success is SELF-ASSESSMENT. A person, who is able to realize his true potential, is always a step closer to achievement than his counterparts. Effective action is based on true self-expression.

# Do what gives you happiness.
# Do what you are best at.
# Do what you thoroughly enjoy doing.

Before taking any task, ask yourself two questions:
# What you want?
# What are your abilities and where your aptitude lies?

Quite often, there exists a gap between what you want to achieve and your capacities, resources and values. Understanding where personal and professional goals and beliefs differ allow you to make more informed choices. There comes a time in everyone's life when one starts evaluating his or her success. At this point, one starts looking at the sacrifices made along the way and what has one got in return of all the effort, blood and sweat. Some realize that the price paid to reach success was too high. So always ensure that you should not do something that makes you repent after a few years. Compete but don't compromise. Stick to your principles and what you believe is ethically correct.

It is not easy to bring a dream into reality. Without commitment and desire no action is fruitful. Any desire should partner commitment. Difference between desire and drive is the difference between expressing yourself and proving yourself. Desire complemented with drive is rewarding and productive. Never be scared to express your desires but ensure a firm commitment which further requires focus and dedication.

# Don't be a follower, be a trendsetter.
Those who blindly follow the trends always end up being mediocre. Just remember anyone can be famous, rich and known. What is required is to discover one's hidden talents and potentials and appropriate action to tap them. One needs to discover the field in which one can extraordinarily excel.

Success cannot be categorized. Its horizons are as vast as the sky and ofcourse; "Sky is the limit". Truly enjoying life, family, friends, work and all that life has to offer is "Success". So just look deep into your self and discover what can make you successful.

Have a happy search with your definition of success and smile till I login again... :-)


Atul said...

Well written and profound!!

Its true that success has no limits and the definition changes from each individual. I am not sure if it is actually a nice thing to be content in whatever you have, will it not kill the zeal to achieve more. Will the life then be without a purpose, or is it good to be happy with what you have currently but keep striving for more and be in the rat race to be successful, to be on the top, to be in line with the ever changing definition of success. At the end, it comes down to making a choice between 'Be Happy and Content', 'Keep striving','Always be unhappy(life doesn't offer everything on the silver platter)' or a combination of all.. Wat do you say..whats your personal mantra girl??

Namita Kohli said...

I believe that there has to be a perfect balance between contentment and striving hard... I think once you have put in your efforts and achieved something one needs to rest a while and enjoy that success.. Just blindly running in the rat race wont lead you anywhere.. You should always find time to enjoy small but special things in life.. There should always be time for family and friends.. And more importantly find something goes well with your basic character, then you will enjot running behind your goal coz you will enjoy the journey... And thats what I primarily believe in, its the journey that matters not the destination...

Jon said...

Hmm...success is a very vague term... Unfortunately we have given it some definition like getting to the top no matter what...

Following ur dreams is very tough compared to following the common goals!!

Namita Kohli said...

Jon, I agree that following your dreams is tough and following the crowd is easy... but one can try and balance both... the practical and the emotional side of success... a mix of both what you "want" to do and what you are "expected" to do:-)