Monday, April 19, 2010

I strive for...

In search of the lanes that lead to eternal peace,
In search of the beauty that lead to mystical realms of life,
With every twinkle of the stars and with sun’s every ray,
I slog and I strive,
Strive to achieve the best,
Strive to live the dreams,
And fulfill the unending desires…

Longing for the day,
When smiles will reflect true joy,
When laughters won’t be artificial,
When happiness in every form will be real…
Behind the eyes that sparkle with sheen,
Lies the innocence of tears,
My life and the aura that surrounds is just so pretentious…

What goes behind the mirror of what people see,
When the world from its compulsions set me free,
Emotions that are for none but just for me…
I strive hard but some feelings can’t just be put into words,
Few couplets that I write,
May give someone pleasure and peace,
The pain that goes in every word I pen down,
A heart that hurts, a moment that’s still,
Life, a journey, with every step seems higher up the hill…

You know the girl in me,
The friend, the lover and even the poet,
But no one recognizes the spark that defines me,
The spark that brightens as well burns within me…
Brighten the gardens of many around,
Burns to reach the unknown destination that I still haven’t found….

Success that lasts too short a while,
Discontentment embraces the sphere of life,
A confusion that embraces mind and heart,
Mysteries and surprises, some pleasant and some weird ones,
That are life’s integral part…

Living with the odds, is called life,
Losers lose the right to smile,
Survivors are the one’s who learn to strive….
Strive to achieve the best,
Strive to live the dreams,
And fulfill the unending desires…

So that proves me to be the winner amongst all,
I have learnt to smile after all those odd falls,
And make the most of this journey called life, that is in it’s essence too small….


Unknown said...

Too good..i m just short of words..


Absolutely Amazing.!! Keep Blogging!

Himanshu Singhal said...

Very nice..u r on the right track..;-)

Namita Kohli said...

Thanks guys..
The encouragement means a lot to me..
@darshita & @himanshu: It would be nice if you guys become a regular follower..

Anonymous said...

Best of Luck!! Keep going!!

And I would like to ask from the spark,

if a loser loses the right to smile......
what do you call the one
who loses the choice to not smile....
and feels like telling it.....
would you excuse me for a while....

you know the compulsions you talked about.